Facebook Ads made easy

You're sick of your ads result no matter how much you pay each month. Let's get you a campaign that converts!


  • If you already have Business manager or other assets with Facebook that’s good but if you don’t it’s not an issue. Whenever we start working with someone, the first priority is to setup business manager and organise assets.

  • You can start Facebook ads with as low as $2/day but that’s not what we recommend. To start off, we suggest spending at least $1,000/month.

  • You are basically paying for 2 things, Facebook Ads Budget and Our Service Fee.

  • Once we have finished on-boarding you, it takes on average 4-5 days to get the first campaign out.

A quick overview of our Facebook Ads Management Process

Get an idea of how the whole management process works at Online Brand Makeover

Hand over your Facebook ads account and we will take care of the ROI. 

You might be thinking, how do we make it happen?

It starts with you! You have to entrust your Facebook ads account with us and we will take care of the rest. We will add our expertise and magic in creating effective marketing campaigns for your business, that will convert! 

Let’s dive deeper into these phases and learn more about how these phases contribute to revenue generation for your businesses’ marketing campaigns. 

Our Facebook Ads Management includes three stages:

  • In the Pre-Production stage, we focus on the client details like their goals, mission, vision, target audience, values, and expectations from the campaign. Accordingly, our experts conduct market research, design creatives, visuals, and emails, and after approval design a scratchy campaign structure with an ad set details. With all these creatives, campaign structure, and ad sets, we launch the testing phase of your campaign.

  • After creating the visuals and the structure of the campaign, we move on to the next phase which is the Production stage. In this phase, testing of the campaign is done which lasts for about 4 weeks.

    After four weeks, we optimize the campaign, brainstorm on what’s working and what’s not, recreate our creatives or structure of the campaign, if needed, and launch the second phase of the campaign structure which is the optimization phase. In this phase, we focus on optimizing the campaign to bring it to a stable state while experimenting with new techniques for the next four weeks. After eight weeks, we upscale the ad campaigns that depend on the client's operational scalability, bandwidth, and business readiness.  

  • In the Post-Production stage, we emphasize the maintenance of the ad campaigns. With regular analysis, we ensure that the campaign is running seamlessly and delivering the desired outcomes.