How To Find Your Audience?

A target audience is the number of consumers that a business is trying to reach with their advertising platforms.

The data used to define the target audience generally is:

  • age

  • gender

  • education background

  • Income

  • Location

Example of a target audience:

Women whose age is 20-30 years old, living in Michigan, with a bachelor’s degree, monthly income of $2,000 – $4,000, and passionate about Politics.

And it’s not mandatory to reach everyone to increase the chances of sales or profit. It will actually cost you more and won’t be profitable in the long run.

Don’t worry, there are some other ways too through which you can know where to and how to find your target audience.

Create a Buyers Persona:

These are the profiles of buyers which are actually your ideal customers. It involves research on a deeper level. Here’s how you can do research:

  1. Who Are They? : When thinking about who might be in your audience, you must consider who are the people who identify with your brand.One way to find out is to monitor who follows, likes, shares, and comments on your posts on social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. If someone is willing to engage with you, then chances are they are your target.

  2. What Are Their Biggest Difficulties, Problems, or Desires? : While jotting down these points, remember to always put yourself in your customer's shoes. And then look for the sites, influencers or any other person they are going to get out of these difficulties. Now, you know where your target audience is and where they are actually congregating.

  3. Where Do They Look for Information Online? : Today everyone is looking for information. You need to identify those channels where your audience is heading to get answers to.

  4. What Benefit Do You Offer? : After you are done with the research about your customer’s difficulties and problems and where they are heading to get answers to, you are supposed to find competitors similar to you and offering the same kind of offer. This way you can easily analyze the competitors' niche and what value they offer to their customers. And always try to improve your product, offer something extra that others do not. 

  5. What Draws Their Attention Negatively? : Better than considering what your audience wants, think about what they definitely don’t want and what they avoid. With this powerful information in hand, you may have more chances to captivate your potential customers. Avoiding what they consider negative is the first step to gain their approval.

Compile Information on your Existing Customers:

Like what they like, where they like to hangout and what are their priorities and some other questions which can help in bringing more potential leads down your funnel. Also, analyze some other factors like age, location, device, buying patterns, etc. This way you can know people of this age group and this location are active and potential buyers. Then you can create a Lookalike Audience to target similar people.


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